MG F91 - WIP1

Also known as: where the heck are days 3-6?

That didn't last long did it?
I fell bad about that but i didn't really have much choice. I've been really busy at work, and in hte end i decided to go back to uni and get my masters degree so i've been dealing with all the paperwork around that (also securing the funds). My leg still isn't the way it should be, so i just took some time to rest.
BUT I've been working on F91 so i have some progress to share this time.
Hopefully that will make up for the days i skiped. It won't but I will keep telling myslef that to feel better and you can do nothing about it. Aside from comments that is....

ANNNNNYYYYWAYYY on to the more pressing matters here is the F91, painting is coming along good imho, also started some weathering, not gonna go too heavy on it, that being said i do like doing battle damage and weathering so anythign can happen... yeah...
Now on to the pictures, I went for a color scheme that i used a lot... just because i like it and it kinda works with this one.
no mods, no details, just a straight up build.

Finaly let's move to the pictures:

It's still kinda glossy from the paint BUT the next step will be finishing weathering, then gloss coat, then panellines and decals, then matt coat, more weathering, and done. Shouldn't take too long, or so I hope.

TIll the next one (hopefully soon)

also a little teaser:


  1. Very good, man! This blue scheme was a excllent choice! The weatering effect was very good too! Good luck with your job!


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