Hideout - 1/144 HG Enact with a hangar diorama

Suddenly - completed kit. Striking out of nowhere you can see my latest work - a HG Enact with hangar diorama. I wanted to do a hangar diorama for quite some time and after seeing Oceansean's MG Blue Frame with hanger i decided it's a out time  to do one :D

But as you will be able to see in few seconds - my hangar is quite diffrent from all the others you may have seen so far... now for the little backstory...

AD 2309

Actions of Celestial Being changed the world, in this time of unification many wanted to stay independent, but they didn't have resources to do so. And as it always have been - when there is a need there will be someone to take care of it - for the right price.

Mercenerias - altough profession as any other in the times of  Earth Sphere Federation they were considered outlaws. "The hunter became the prey"

Sergiei Alekseev - exiled from his own country during Solar Wars became a mercenary as he had no other option, yet again he needs to run like a wounded wolf, hiding in his lair he's planing next move and preparing to fight back the hunters in form of A-laws pacification force...

watch video for even more pictures: Hideout video on Youtube

and a slideshow galery HERE

as u can see Enact has only some minor mods, paintjob is inspired by colors of my company ;) 
it's a mix of Tamiya acrylics and Agama acrylics; red blue and purple were AB-ed while metalics handpainted, then an enamel wash for panel lines and wheathering with metailc acrylics and oil paints

as for the base I used an USB hub as a base so it will be not only nice looking but also functional

as you can see it is still working, it was also my first time working with LEDs and I think i was able to pull off effect that i wanted

if anyone has some question just ask  - I will try to answer them :D

oh and almost forgot... expect something REALLY BIG later this year.... will keep this as a secret for now but may gave away some hints here and there so stay tuned!


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